Thanachart One Report 2021 - EN

was also published on the Company’s website, in case of the need of shareholders to request a proxy to attend the meeting on their behalf. Furthermore, the proxy statement form A and C were published on the Company’s website in order for shareholders and custodians appointment of the proxy to cast a vote as specified by shareholders. The Company proposed two Independent Directors, and an Executive Director with their curriculum vitae as well as stakes of each Director in the meeting notice to provide the shareholders alternatives for the appointment of proxy. The Day of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (11 May 2021) The e-AGM which was organized by the Company was broadcast from Dusita Room, 16th Floor, MBK Tower, Phayathai Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330. In this connection, the system used for the Company’s meeting passed the assessment which ensured the conformity of the meeting control system with the Standards for Maintaining Security of Meetings via Electronic Means B.E. 2563 (2020). At the meeting, arrangements were made for identification, vote casting, and other activities in compliance with all the requirements stipulated in the Emergency Decree on Electronic Meetings B.E. 2563 (2020). The arrangements were in line with the laws, regulations, and good corporate governance practice guidelines. The Company established shareholders’ meeting guidelines to ensure that shareholders’ right would not be compromised. At any point of the meeting, shareholders could register and enter the meeting to honor their voting rights on the agenda of which vote casting had not been made. The Company has never adjusted or added any agenda or distributed additional documents which contain important information during the meeting without prior notice. The total number of shareholders attending the meeting in person and by proxy was 927 shareholders. All Directors attended the meeting, including the Chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors, the Chairperson of the Audit Committee, the Chairman of the Nomination, Remuneration, and Corporate Governance Committee, and the Chief Executive Officer. During the course of the meeting, all shareholders were provided equitable right to express their opinions and ask questions, all of which were recorded and documented in the meeting minutes. The Chairman of the meeting assigned the Company Secretary to explicitly inform the shareholders on meeting rules, casting vote, voting rights for each type of share, and vote counting procedures. The Company used electronic voting for every agenda item. All votes could be changed until the closure of voting. Under the agenda item on election of Directors, the Company provided shareholders with an opportunity to elect each Director individually. To ensure that shareholders received clear information during the meeting, information for each agenda item was presented to shareholders. Post Annual General Meeting of Shareholders The Company disclosed the voting results for each agenda via News through the SET System within the meeting day and also made available on the Company’s website on the next working day. The Company took minutes of the meeting whereby the number of Directors attended, voting procedure, voting results, and questions and answers for each agenda were recorded. The numbers of votes for approval, disapproval and that which were abstained were clearly verified in the minutes, including all other important information. The drafted minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders were submitted to the SET and also made available on the Company’s website within 14 days after the meeting day which in this case was on 24 May 2021. 189 56-1 One Report / Annual Report 2021 Thanachart Capital Publ ic Company Limited