Thanachart One Report 2021 - EN

6. The Board of Directors monitors the financial liquidity adequacy and the ability to repay debts. 7. The Board of Directors determines and reviews the structure of the Board of Directors in terms of appropriate size, compositions, and proportion of Independent Directors, ensuring that the Board of Directors consists of Directors with a wide range of qualifications in terms of skills, experiences, abilities and special characteristics of certain areas as well as gender and age, which are necessary for achieving the organization’s main objectives and goals. In this connection, a board skills matrix has been prepared. 8. The Board of Directors establishes a number of committees as deemed appropriate. The objective is for these committees to help study, screen and oversee various business activities. 9. The Board of Directors establishes guidelines for considering and nominating an appropriate candidate as the Company’s Chairperson. 10. The Board of Directors ensures not only that the processes related to the nomination and selection of Directors and persons with power in management are transparent and clear, so that the candidates have qualifications that are in line with the specified elements but also the Board of Directors’ composition and performance of duties are conducive to the exercise of discretion and independent judgment. 11. The Board of Directors considers the remuneration structure and rates, ensuring that they are appropriate to the responsibilities and motivate the Board of Directors to lead the organization to achievement of short-and long-term goals, taking into account the current risks as well as those that may arise in the future. 12. The Board of Directors oversee subsidiaries in order to protect the return of the Company’s investments. 13. The Board of Directors monitors the management and development of human resources, ensuring not only that they are in line with the organization’s direction and strategies but also that employees at all levels have appropriate knowledge, ability, skills, experience and motivation. As well, the Board of Directors ensures that they are treated fairly so that the organization is able to retain talented employees. 14. The Board of Directors ensures not only that each member of the Board has knowledge and understanding about their roles and responsibilities as well as the nature of business and the laws related to the business operations but also that each member is encouraged to regularly enhance their skills and knowledge for carrying out their duties. In this connection, the Board of Directors makes arrangements for its members to attend training activities and seminars, aiming at broadening their knowledge for the performance of their duties. The above information shall be disclosed in the Form 56-1 One Report. 15. The Board of Directors ensures that its duties will be carried out orderly and that they have access to necessary information. As well, the Board of Directors is supported by the Company Secretary who has knowledge and experiences necessary and appropriate for supporting the Board of Directors’ performance of duties. 16. The Board of Directors promotes innovations and responsible business operations and prepares sustainability reports as deemed appropriate. 17. The Board of Directors dedicates time and capability to the performance of duties. It also assumes full responsibility. Also, it is independent and fair towards the organization and shareholders, as well as the Company’s executives and employees. 18. The Board of Directors supports the participation of and communicates with shareholders. It also ensures fair treatment of all groups of shareholders. In addition, it is responsible for the financial statements. As well, it discloses accurate information in a transparent and timely manner. 161 56-1 One Repor t / Annual Repor t 2021 Thanachar t Capi tal Publ ic Company Limi ted