Thanachart One Report 2021 - EN

timely manner via the SET database and the Company’s website ( where all shareholders have equal access to. 1.2 Shareholders’ Meeting The Company’s Board of Directors realizes that every shareholder has equal basic rights to attend the meeting and encourages all shareholders to attend and participate in the shareholders’ meeting, including institution shareholders. The Company also has policies regards basic and equal rights in shareholders’ meeting, voting rights, proposing an agenda, nominating Directors, adequacy in Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, disclosure of information, as well as, venue, date, and time of the meeting as in accordance with the Good Corporate Governance Policies. As well, the Board of Directors has put in place a work unit responsible for organizing the shareholders’ meeting and ensuring that the meeting is conducted in line with the above Policies as well as the additional practice guidelines developed and disclosed by the related organizations including the SEC, the IOD, and the Thai Investors Association, for implementation by listed companies. 2. Equitable Treatment to Shareholders The Board of Directors arranges the Shareholders’ Meeting in such manners that all shareholders have equal rights. The Board of Directors also provides opportunities to minority shareholders so they can nominate a candidate for the Director position and/or propose an additional item for meeting agenda prior to the meeting. A proxy is made possible as an alternative for shareholders who are unable to attend the meeting to exercise their rights. As well, the Board of Directors ensures that the Company’s information is adequately disclosed through various channels in a timely manner so that all shareholders have equal access to the information. 3. Roles of Stakeholders Thanachart Group has established written practice guideline on stakeholders; including shareholders, investors, employees, customers, trading partners, lenders, competitors, society and environment, community, and public sector in Good Corporate Governance Policy and Handbook of the Code of Ethics. In this connection, the information was shared within the organization through Thanachart Group’s intranet systems The Company also coordinates with member companies of Thanachart Group, ensuring that they also follow the Corporate Governance Policy and the Code of Ethics Handbook so that directors, executives and employees at all levels could strictly adhere to the guidelines. As well, the information was made available on the Company’s website. The information has also been publicized via the Company’s website to enhance stakeholders’ confidence on their rights that they are well taken care of all the time. Consideration to the stakeholders’ benefit is the priority, ensuring that no right is violated and it is compliance to laws and regulations of the authorities concerned. The procedures regarding the use of service and the exercise of stakeholders’ rights are completely stated and sufficiently disclosed for stakeholders’ acknowledgement. The details on the treatment of various groups of stakeholder are as follows: 3.1 Shareholders and Investors Thanachart Group aims at having a solid performance and achieving a sustainable growth as well as being competitive to ensure an appropriate return to shareholders and investors on a regular basis. In conducting business, the Company has been aware of risks and ensures that there is efficient internal control system as well as information disclosure in an accurate, complete, timely, and transparent manner. Moreover, the Company has made arrangements to provide the shareholders and investors with convenience in exercising any of the rights they are entitled to. Most importantly, 155 56-1 One Repor t / Annual Repor t 2021 Thanachar t Capi tal Publ ic Company Limi ted